Welcome back to another school year! It seemed like this summer went by way too fast...but I am ready to get started & I hope you are too! I can't wait to hear about how you spent your summer~hopefully you were able to enjoy the weather, spend some time with family, and maybe, just maybe read a good book or two!
Hopefully you find everything you are looking for on my new website!
At the top, you will find each class listed. Just click on your class and you will be able to find everything you need for that week...
* What's up for the week * Homework * Copies of assignments * Copies of notes * Copies of PowerPoints
And one of my favorite parts of my website is the blog portion where you can check out quirky, random things that I may post about myself, my family, and or about school.
If at any time you need to contact me because you have questions about something we did in class or an assignment you are working on, you may email me. I try and check my email every night and will make every attempt to get back with you that evening.